All About Me and My first day Programming in Scratch 3.0
Hello there! I’m David. I’m 8 years old. I started learning Scratch two weeks ago with Algobase. I believe writing about what I have learnt makes me understand & grasp what I’m learning better. So I’m here to write about some of the things I have learned so far. I’ve learned about Scratch and the blocks to make it work. Here is the link
When you click ‘Create’ you will find some colours you won’t really understand, So I will give you some hints to the colours on Scratch:
blue- the Motion blocks: these are blocks that tell the sprite(the picture)to move.
violet-the Looks blocks: these blocks customize the sprite.
purple-the Sound blocks: these blocks make the sprite make a sound.
yellow: the Events blocks: these tell the code when to do something.
orange: the Control blocks: these control the code.
bluish-green: the Sensing blocks: these tell if the sprite is in contact with another sprite, it is helped by the if-then block.
green- the Operators blocks: these measure equations.
reddish orange- the Variables blocks: these keep track of a certain number in your project.
red- the My Blocks blocks-this section contains the block you make.
…And the rest of the green sections are the ‘Add Extensions’ buttons.
Below are the extensions you get when you press ‘add extensions’.
Music: they let you play with notes and drums.
Pen: they let you draw on Scratch
Video Sensing: they let you interact with your sprites with videos. Note: this is available with a camera.
Text to Speech: they make the sprite to talk and ask questions, and you can customise the tone of the voice.
Translate: they help translate the language of your voice into a language you can understand.
Makey Makey: it helps make anything into a key.
micro:bit: connects your projects to the whole-wide world.
LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3: it helps you build your robots and more. Note: this is available with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.
LEGO BOOST: it brings your creations to life. Note: this is also available with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.
LEGO Education WeDo 2.0: it lets you build motors and sensors. Note: this is also available with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.
Go Direct Force & Acceleration: Sense pushes, pulls, motions and spins. Note: this is also available with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.
Okay, lets learn about some words on Scratch and their meanings.
Sprite: this is the character in your project.
Backdrop: this is the place in Scratch.
X: the distance from left to right, and right to left on Scratch.
Y: the distance from up and down, or top to bottom on Scratch.
Costumes: the different stages of the Sprite but the same Sprite.
Sounds: the noise the sprite makes.
Tutorials: the Scratch tours to make your own games, arts, stories and more.
Size: the adjustment of how BIG or small the sprite is.
Direction: the rotation of a sprite.
Show: it tells the sprite to hide and show, like in the game Hide and Seek.
Stage: the ‘Screen’ of the project on Scratch.
Fill: it detects the colour of the sprite based on the coloured square.
Outline: the surrounding perimeter around a sprite.
Okay, let’s learn about my ideas.
My 2 favourite projects are: Pong ball game and Catch the fruits game.
Here are the links:
Pong ball game
Catch the fruits
2 project ideas I am looking forward to building are: bible characters and fun kid-safe games
More things I am looking forward to learning are: making my own cartoon stories & bible games, podcast and interesting games.
Okay this is my essay on my Scratch experience & learning with Algobase.
See you later.